John MacKenzie

John completed a degree in ceramics at Harrow University in 2001 where he became intrigued by wood-fired ceramics and kiln building. He has since built several wood-fired kilns and has been exploring the unique colours, surfaces and effects which can only be achieved with this process.

In 2020, he built a 140 cubic foot anagama (cave) kiln which is fired with offcuts of wood from a local sawmill.  The kiln is fired for around 50 hours and needs constant attention to build the temperature to above 1300 degrees centigrade. At this temperature the ash from the wood melts to form a glaze.

John explores and accentuates these protracted and extreme firings by developing his own clays, glazes and slips which respond to the flame, ember, and ash. He is fascinated by how the burning wood can imprint its energy onto the clay and how varying the atmosphere of the kiln can maximise the kilns potential. He aims to create vessels which intimately communicate the elemental processes that they have been through.