Ruth King

Ruth King is a distinguished maker of hand-built pots. She has exhibited widely, with work in collections both public and private, in the UK and overseas. She trained at Camberwell School of Arts and Craft in the 1970s and set up her first studio in London with a Crafts Council grant. Since the 1980s she has lived and worked near York. She has been a Member of the Craft Potters Association since 1981.


Ruth’s pots are built using sheets of soft clay, her dedication to the art and process of making, from construction to firing, has given rise to very particular work. Within this particularity lies a thought -provoking tension. While the pots are structured with great intention and tailored to contain space, their formal concerns are softened by an underlying sensuousness, best experienced by the all -important sense of touch. The vapours from the salt glaze firing that caress each piece in the kiln create an inextricable link between the form and the smooth, rich and complex tones that articulate and enhance the pots’ surfaces.